The GOLDFANN Project

Inspired by the incredible energy of Dubai and operating in symbiosys with it.

Main Points

The building block of GoldFann is the OctaDahab, a 1 kilogram polyhedron of pure gold that is made securely unique using advanced technology, and that is personalized by a unique painting and transposed into the metaverse through a NFT and crypto-tokens.

Over 13,000 OctaDahabs come together to form the Geodesic Bang, a 1 BILLION DOLLAR showcase of art and precious metal that provides the ultimate promotional tool to real-estate developers, the hospitality sector and event organizers.

Who is it for?

The GoldFann Project interests 5 main groups:



How do I get in?

You can join the community in the following ways:

  • Acquire some OctaDahab directly from us or through the many exchanges that implement the secondary market for them.

  • Participate in the fractional ownership that each OctaDahab owner can implement using the sub-tokens paired with each OctaDahab.

What is the OctaDahab?

The OctaDahab is an innovative combination of art, technology, and finance. It is the combination of:

  • an octahedron-shaped block of gold weighing 1 kilogram, which as of now is about US$85,000,
  • a paired painting from a vibrant artist from from the UAE,
  • an associated NFT,
  • a fractional ownership crypto-token (100,000,000 per OctaDahab),
  • a crypto-token representing financial and governance rights in the GoldFann project.